Client Guidebook
The entire staff at Beachside Recovery wants to welcome you to a new way of living. Our program offers the most innovative treatment modalities to recover from chemical dependency. At Beachside Recovery Center our goal is to promote a restorative and healing environment that inspires complete and total recovery from addiction. Our Mission is to facilitate lasting sobriety and provide addiction recovery support to you and your family. We desire to treat and educate all who are ready to break the cycle of substance abuse. We ensure that your recovery will take place in a safe and supportive environment, under the care of licensed and certified clinicians. Our unparalleled staff members have extensive experience in the field of drug and alcohol recovery. We know that battling substance abuse can be overwhelming and we are committed to giving you the best addiction recovery program based upon your needs and substance abuse history. It is our goal to lay a solid foundation for lasting recovery by treating both the psychological and physical aspects of addictions.
Beachside Recovery Center
We believe that “effectiveness is the measure of truth” and want to offer you a variety of choices to help you recover. This guidebook is designed to help facilitate your recovery and help you understand and deal with the root cause of your addiction. A Beachside Recovery Case Manager will be reviewing your guidebook assignments, and relapse prevention plan with you during your weekly case management meetings. This client guide is designed to be completed and reviewed with your case manager. Your successful completion of the Beachside Recovery Program depends on your completion of this guidebook and abiding by the rules to ensure your safety.
At Beachside Recovery we are looking forward to helping establish a solid foundation for you on your journey to a life of lasing recovery that is happy, joyous and free.

Beachside Recovery Program
“A pessimist see’s the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist see’s the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston S. Churchill
Explanation of Client Process in Treatment
New Client, Phase I, II and OP
New Client
We understand this can be a challenging time for you, and will take some adjustments. For the first week we will work with you to help you get fully orientated with Beachside Recovery Program and treatment. You must attend all treatment activities. After the first week you will be expected to fully participate in ALL aspects of treatment.
Phase I
Welcome to Phase I, this phase will last a minimum of 30 days or longer.
- In Phase I you should be focusing on building a relationship with a sobriety mentor and safe (meaning clean and sober, those who support your new life in healthy ways) family and friends.
- You ought to be fully acquainted with Beachside Recovery Program Rules and what is expected of you. Rapport should be established with your Case Manager and Therapist during the first month at Beachside Recovery Program. You need to be looking for a sobriety mentor and begin working a recovery program with them. Let your Case Manager know when you get one. You will need to sign a Release of Information for this person. You should also begin working towards having at least one family session.
To be eligible to move from Phase I to Phase II you must have successfully accomplished the following:
- Must have completed Step 1 from “Recovery in My Own Words” and items 1 to 8 on the page before Step One then review with your Case Manager.
- Have a sobriety mentor.
- Have had at least 1 family session.
- No relapses.
- No major Write-Ups.
- Followed all of Beachside Recovery Program Rules
- Demonstrated emotional stability.
At this time you and your Case Manager will sit down and discuss your progress and determine if you are ready for Phase II.
Phase II
Welcome to Phase II, you have done a great job and are now ready for this Phase. The goal of Phase II is to develop Life Skills for lasting recovery. You will have more access to passes and be expected to actively participate in Job Search, Become Employed or Attend School and to volunteer in the community. This phase will last a minimum of 30 days or longer.
- You MUST attend ALL Beachside Recovery Program treatment activities and groups.
- Step 2 and 3 from “Recovery In My Own Words” are to be worked on and completed at this point.
- At this time you have the opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with your sobriety mentor. You are encouraged to see him or her two times per week.
- Must be a GOOD EXAMPLE to your peers.
To be eligible to move from Phase II to OP you must have successfully accomplished:
- Completed Steps 1, 2, 3 from “Recovery in My Own Words” with your Case Manager. And completed the foundation work of your choice with your sobriety mentor i.e. first three steps.
- Successfully completed all homework assignments given to you by your Case Manager and Therapist.
- Have continued to follow all Beachside Recovery Program Rules, with NO major Write-Ups.
- No relapses.
- Continued to demonstrate emotional stability.
- Participate in giving back to the community.
- Have continued to have family involvement in your treatment.
At this time you and your Case Manager will sit down and discuss your progress and determine if you are ready for Phase II.
Outpatient Program
Welcome to OP, you have done a great job and are now ready for this Phase. This phase will last a minimum of 30 days and no longer than 180 days.
- At this time you will need to continue to work on your recovery program with your sobriety mentor from the program of your choice. Continue going over with your Case Manager and Sobriety mentor.
- You must continue to attend all Beachside Recovery Program education groups and your one on ones.
- You must be working and/or attending school.
- Must continue to follow ALL rules of. Beachside Recovery Program
- Must continue to be a GOOD EXAMPLE to your peers.
- Continue to work with your sobriety mentor.
- At this point you are completely responsible for your own food, transportation and medication expenses as this is not covered at this level of care.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Program Description of Beachside Recovery Program Treatment Centers and the requirements to successfully complete the program.
Beachside Recovery Program Rules
All facility rules are designed for your health and well being as well as your fellow clients.
- At this time you will need to continue to work on your recovery program with your sobriety mentor from the program of your choice. Continue going over with your Case Manager and Sobriety mentor.
- Loaning or borrowing of money, clothing or anything is strictly prohibited.
- Upon request of staff, all clients shall submit to drug testing at any time. Refusal to test is considered a positive test.
- Violence or making violent threats is prohibited and is grounds for immediate discharge.
- Possession of any weapons or replicas of weapons is prohibited.
- Sexual and or exclusive involvement between clients is prohibited. Men are not allowed in women’s areas and women are not allowed in men’s areas at any time. This behavior is grounds for immediate discharge. Socialize in common areas only.
- Client MUST take medications as prescribed by the doctor,
- Client must attend all treatment activities, unless in the hospital, if fever over 104, or blood pressure too low or too high as determined by staff.
- Clients who intentionally damage or destroy property belonging to Beachside Recovery Program, facility or other clients will be financially responsible for such damage or destruction.
- Client is to be ready to be picked up by 8:00 am Monday through Friday.
- Clients will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, being respectful and considerate to staff and other clients. Name calling or put downs will NOT be tolerated.
- No yelling, shouting or slamming of doors or windows is allowed. Loud cell phone conversations should be limited to client’s private living area or the counseling or other private offices.
- Any staff member, after knocking and identifying themselves, has the right to enter the client’s area, at any time.
- No pornographic materials or publications designed for sexual arousal including magazines, DVD’s or accessories are permitted on the premises. Any and all such materials found will be confiscated and disposed of promptly.
- All medications must be prescribed by a doctor and must be kept in the office. All medications are to be turned over to the admitting staff including ALL over the counter medications (i.e. Correctol, Benadryl, Advil, etc.).
- A client is eligible for cell phone, laptop, ipads, computers, any electronic item use after 7 days. However All Phones and electronic devices must be checked in to the Office Manager during clinical hours and then returned daily.
- All clients must have a sobriety mentor within 14 days of their treatment.
- Knowledge of another client’s failure to comply with program rules will place you in an enabling position. Secrets and gossip threaten your recovery and are destructive to the support and trust of all clients. It is healthy to confront your peer in the appropriate setting, such as in a group or in a meeting with staff and/or peers. If you need help doing so, please talk with your counselor.
- Stealing of any kind is not appropriate behavior and will not be tolerated and is grounds for discharge.
- All medications must be prescribed by a doctor and must be kept in the office. All medications are to be turned over to the admitting staff including ALL over the counter medications (i.e. Correctol, Benadryl, Advil, aspirin etc.).
- All concerns and questions should be taken to a staff member. Any complaints are to be taken to the Program Director.
- All clients are responsible for cleaning up after themselves in all areas of the facility. This includes cleaning their dishes after snacks.
- Passes: All passes are subject to counselor and Program Director’s approval. All clients are required to provide a method to contact client while on pass (i.e. cell phone number).
- Dress Code: a. Shoes and shirts are to be worn in all common areas of the home. b. No short-shorts or swimwear is permitted in the common areas. c. Seductive, sheer or clinging clothing is considered inappropriate. d. Clothing that depicts alcohol, drugs, sexual or gang related material is not allowed. e. Sunglasses, hoodies, and/or hats are not to be worn in groups. f. Smoking or using tobacco products, electronic cigarettes is only allowed in designated areas.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Program Description of Beachside Recovery Program Treatment Centers and the requirements to successfully complete the program.
Beachside Recovery Group Rules
In order to create safety and protect each and every client please adhere to these group standards:
Beachside Recovery Group Rules
Counseling Services – Individual & Group Sessions Requirements
Counseling services provided in this program are designed to help the client develop comprehensive treatment plans in order to deal with present life issues, learn new behaviors, develop support systems and to plan for a safe transition from treatment services at the end of the program.
Clinical Time Requirements:
Client will be meeting with both their Case Manager and Therapist for weekly individual sessions.
---Individual Counseling:
Based upon the client’s individual needs, program participation may also involve learning information on the following:
- 1. Medication specific information
- 2. Stress management
- 3. Anger management
- 4. Assertiveness
- 5. Healthy boundaries
- 6. Daily living skills
- 7. Communication skills
- 8. Relationship skills
- 9. Parenting skills
- 10. Job seeking / employment skills
- 11. Money management skills
- 12. Educational or training programs
- 13. STD/Infectious Disease Prevention
- 14. Women’s Specific Issues (e.g., domestic violence)
- 15. Cultural Issues
- 16. Other assignments as deemed clinically appropriate
All assignments should be treatment plan driven, have target dates for completion, and are reviewed with the client by the assigned counselor. It is imperative that these be done on a timely basis to reinforce their importance to the recovery process.
---Group Counseling
1. Clinical staff will follow the Beachside Recovery Clinical Program structure.
2. The third weekend of each Month is optional (but included), Family weekend. Family member(s) and/or significant other(s) will be encouraged to attend, and will be bound by the same rules and codes of confidentiality as the client, while participating in the groups (See Family and Collateral Support Contact policy). Pre-Registration is required.
---Family Member(s) / Significant Other(s) Educational Sessions
Involvement of the family member(s) and significant other(s) is considered essential to successful treatment outcomes. Whenever possible, those closest to the client should be contacted (with the client’s written consent) and involved in the treatment process. Their involvement should include but not be limited to:
- Group counseling sessions
- Educational sessions regarding the addiction and recovery processes
- Expected outcomes
- Identification of and referral to outside support systems for the family (i.e. Al-Anon, private counseling practitioners, etc.).
Family members may also attend Family Week (please ask counselor for dates) and receive recommendations for their own individual support groups to meet their individual needs, such as Al-anon, or other non 12-step based groups. Client attends Family weekend Saturday session from 12pm-2:00pm ONLY.
---Code of Ethics:
Beachside Recovery will communicate its Code of Ethics to all clients during the clients’ orientation. The Code of Ethics will be given to all clients and also available by posting a copy in the clients waiting areas and other conspicuous public areas of the facility.
---Payment Schedule:
Beachside Recovery fees are due and payable in accordance with the fee collection policy. Fee schedules will be given to all clients. No refunds are given without prior approval. Beachside Recovery will complimentary bill private insurance companies upon clients’ request. This may only be used as reimbursement to the client, and will not be an acceptable form of initial payment.
---Tobacco Products and Smoking:
Beachside Recovery, due to health and safety considerations, and CA state regulations, prohibits smoking and smokeless tobacco products within the facility and only in designated areas outside of the facility.
---Advance Care Directives:
Beachside Recovery will review the Advanced Care Directive form with all clients as part of the Orientation Process.
It is the policy of Beachside Recovery to not admit pregnant clients due to the fact that some medications during pregnancy may result in unknown risks to the client’s unborn child. Female clients are oriented and educated to inform a facility staff member immediately if she becomes pregnant, or suspects that she may be pregnant. Female clients of child bearing age may be pregnancy tested at admission and appropriate intervals during treatment, as clinically indicated. In the event of a positive pregnancy test, Beachside Recovery will make appropriate referrals to OB/GYN and other medical providers as deemed necessary and may be referred to another center that offers more specialized care.
All medications prescribed by private physicians must be brought to the attention of the appropriate management and clinical staff. Staff must document all medications in the client’s record and may contact the prescribing physician if there is cause to believe the pre-existing medications may interact with newly prescribed medications. Staff will ensure that all appropriate Authorizations to Release Information are completed prior to any communication outside the facility.
---Confidentiality of Client Records:
Federal and state laws protect the confidentiality of the client’s records maintained by Beachside Recovery Center. Staff will not divulge or confirm a client’s treatment status to any person or entity, nor disclose any information identifying the client as having associated alcohol or drug abuse problems, unless:
- 1. The client consents in writing.
- 2. The disclosure is allowed by a court order signed by a judge
- 3. The disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency or to qualified staff.
- 4. For research, audit or clinic evaluation purposes
- 5. Federal and state laws require “Duty to Report” information about suspected child abuse or neglect, and/or elder abuse and the clinic staff will adhere to these regulations.
- 6. Suspected violations must be reported.
- 7. Federal laws and regulations do not protect information about a crime committed by a client or any threat to commit such a crime.
See 42 U.S.C. 290dd-2 for federal laws and 42 CFR Part 2 for federal regulations.
Counseling is required and available for each client as mandated by these policies and procedures, and state and federal regulations. The client will attend the required number of counseling sessions as required. If a client is unavoidably delayed or prevented from attending the counseling session, the client must contact the facility as soon as possible. Counseling is by appointment or by counselor availability or client need during normal business hours. Family participation in treatment is encouraged with proper consent from the client and with prior arrangement.
---Client Input:
Client will be able to give individual input regarding treatment care /services and outcomes needed and/or desired, through participation with individual treatment plan development and clinical sessions.
In addition, client will be able to give input regarding all parts of treatment services through voluntary participation in the annual (may be more often) Client Satisfaction Survey. The Client Satisfaction Survey is voluntary and anonymous.
---Illness or Hospitalization:
Clients are encouraged to report any illness to the facility staff. In the event of a medical emergency, staff will assist with any referrals necessary.
A client who is to be hospitalized for any reason is encouraged to inform the facility staff in advance. In case of an emergency hospitalization, the client should try to have a physician or hospital staff member contact the facility for continuity of care. Upon discharge from the hospital, the patient will present discharge paperwork that includes diagnoses, treatments received, length of stay and medications administered and/or prescribed.
For best care, clients will attend the program as scheduled. Absence from the program for a period of time may be grounds for involuntary termination from the program.
---Facility Activities:
Facility activities may include, but are not limited to:
- 1. Comprehensive evaluation of the client’s medical, psychiatric, social, educational, financial, vocational and occupational status
- 2. Orientation of the client to all aspects of their treatment
- 3. Individual counseling
- 4. Group counseling
- 5. Family counseling
- 6. Education/Vocational counseling
- 7. Other activities as deemed appropriate by the treatment team.
Drug Analysis Specimen Collection:
- 1. Specimens for drug analysis, urine, oral fluid, etc. will be provided upon request to designated facility staff according to Beachside Recovery Center policy.
- 2. Specimens will be analyzed for unapproved substances as defined by Beachside Recovery Center Policy. Positive test results for illicit substances will be addressed with patients in a clinical session.
- 3. Failure to provide an adequate specimen for drug analysis will be considered as a positive result.
- 4. Attempts to alter a specimen for drug analysis MAY result in a re-test and/or involuntary termination from the program.
- 5. A specimen for drug analysis may be requested the day following an absence or at any time during treatment.
Beachside Recovery LLC Drug/Alcohol Policy
It is the policy of Beachside Recovery LLC to advise all clients at the time of intake that it is strictly prohibited for clients to come to any group/individual appointment under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Any medications prescribed by the Medical Director or other clinician for the legitimate purpose of detoxification are allowed.
- Any client who appears to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is subject to be tested by Beachside Recovery LLC staff at his/her own expense.
- A client under suspicion will be confronted by Beachside Recovery LLC staff.
- If client denies that he/she is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, he/she may be subject to drug testing at his/her own expense.
- If the client is tested and tests positive one of two things will take place:
- 1. If the client is not under probation or court order to abstain from alcohol/drugs staff will evaluate the client and assign them to additional services within our agency.
- 2. If the client is under probation or court order to abstain from alcohol/drugs the client will be negatively discharged and the proper authorities will be contacted.
- If the client is required to be tested due to suspicion by staff and refuses, Beachside Recovery LLC will consider that a positive test and the client will be negatively discharged from the program. Above conditions will not apply due to unaccountability of client behavior.
- If the client is tested due to suspicion of staff and tests negative, the client shall continue his/her program without any additional services although, will be monitored for the duration of their program.
I have read and understand the above statements regarding Beachside Recovery LLC’s Drug/Alcohol Policy.
Loitering on facility premises is prohibited. Clients should enter the facility immediately upon arrival. Clients should leave the facility and adjacent area immediately upon completion of services. Consistent loitering may be grounds for discharge from the program.
Use of seclusion and/or physical restraint of any type is prohibited. The Beachside Recovery Policy on seclusion and restraint will be explained to all patients at the end of the Patient Orientation Process and a copy will be included in the Client Handbook.
Arrest: Clients who are arrested should contact a facility staff person as soon a possible.
---Initial Assessment:
All clients will need to take part in an initial clinical assessment, which may include portions by: the clinical staff, the medical staff, and the administrative staff, depending on individual client’s needs. The purpose of the medical and clinical assessments is to collect information from the client in order to determine the services needed, develop an initial treatment plan, and get input from the client regarding treatment needs.
---On-going Assessments and Client Discharge:
Client will have on-going assessments (Continuing Care Assessments) with Clinical Staff to assess their current status and progress in treatment. Clinical staff, with input from the Client, may determine that the client has completed the anticipated goals for treatment, and client in ready to transition to another level of care, or transition out of treatment. If this occurs, facility staff, with input from client will develop a discharge plan guiding this process.
---Follow Up After Discharge:
Upon discharge all clients, after giving proper and written consent, will receive a follow-up call from Beachside Recovery Center Staff in order to access client’s on-going status and help with any current needs. Follow-up calls will be made to all clients regardless of discharge type. Clients may choose not to participate in the follow-up calls.
For clients who are discharged or removed from the program for aggressive and/or assaultive behavior, follow-up must occur with-in 72 hours. For all other clients, follow-up may occur at anytime up to 30 days from discharge.
---Termination/Completion Procedure:
Successful Completion:
A client will be deemed to have successfully completed Beachside Recovery’s Program after completing all Phase assignments and requirements. Case Manager and Therapist must sign off on Successful Completion. Client will then be awarded a certificate of completion and be coined out. Client will also be invited back for Monthly Alumni Program Activities.
Involuntary Termination:
The following may result in involuntary termination from the facility:
- 1. Misuse or sale of any medication
- 2. Selling drugs on facility premises
- 3. Abuse of drugs or intoxication
- 4. Possession of alcohol or other unauthorized substance on facility premises
- 5. Violence or threats of violence to facility staff and/or patients *
- 6. Possession of weapons on facility premises*
- 7. Consistent loitering on facility premises
- 8. Alteration of specimens for drug analysis
- 9. Non-payment of fees
*Violation will result in immediate discharge from the treatment program.
---Client Rights:
Clients have the right to fair and equal treatment without discrimination. Clients who feel that they have been discriminated against should report the facts to the Executive Director/designee in writing. If results are unsatisfactory, a written report should be presented to the Beachside Recovery Center LLC headquarters. Facility staff will assist any client in their request to report these facts. The facility will routinely review the process in which clients served may regain their rights or privileges that have been restricted.
---Beachside Recovery Client Rights
In accordance with Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 10569 of the California Code of Regulations, each person receiving services from an alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facility shall have rights, which include, but are not limited to the following:
- 1. The right to confidentiality as provided for in Title 42, Sections 2.1 through 2.67-1, Code of Federal Regulations.
- 2. To be accorded dignity in personal relationships with staff and other individuals.
- 3. To be accorded safe, healthful, and comfortable accommodations to meet his or her needs.
- 4. To be free from intellectual, emotional and/or physical abuse and/or inappropriate sexual behavior.
- 5. To be informed the licensee of the provisions of law regarding complaints including, but not limited to the address and telephone of the Department.
- 6. To be free to attend religious services or activities of his or her choice and to have visits from a spiritual advisor provided that these services or activities do not conflict with facility program requirements. Participation in religious services will be voluntary only.
- 7. To be accorded access to his or her file.
Beachside Recovery LLC Grievance Policy
Beachside Recovery LLC is committed to providing participants with a high level of care. Beachside Recovery LLC has developed the following grievance procedure for participants. Participants may file a complaint about Beachside Recovery LLC faculty, staff, counselors, administrators, employees, facilities, the program or other program-related issues by following these procedures:
1. At any time, Participants may file a grievance with Beachside Recovery LLC setting forth in reasonable detail the nature of Participant’s grievance. Grievances must be in writing and personally delivered or sent by first class mail or national overnight delivery service to:
Beachside Recovery LLC
16802 Red Hill Suite A
Irvine, CA 92606
2. Upon receiving a grievance, Beachside Recovery LLC will contact other appropriate Beachside Recovery LLC staff members in an attempt to find an appropriate solution. Beachside Recovery LLC will maintain contact with the involved parties and inform Participant in writing about any decision made or actions to be taken by Beachside Recovery LLC. The grievance will be resolved in as timely a fashion as possible.
3. If the grievance is not resolved to Participant’s satisfaction, or if the issue persists, then the Participant may appeal any decision to Beachside Recovery LLC’s Manager.
4. If after appeal to Beachside Recovery LLC’s Manager, the issue is still not resolved to Participant’s satisfaction, or if the issues persists, then the grievance shall be resolved pursuant to the arbitration procedures set forth in Section 7.8 (Disputes) of the Agreement.
In accordance with Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 10544(c), of the California Code of Regulations, any individual may request an inspection of an alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facility. Complaints should be directed to:
- 1. Case Manager
- 2. Director of admissions
- 3. Program Director
- 4. CEO
Licensing and Certification Branch
1700 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-4037
Attention: Complaint Coordinator
(916) 322-2911
TTY (916) 445-1942
Seclusion and Restraint
It is the policy of the Facility that staff will respond appropriately to emergency or life-or- safety-threatening situations, in order to protect themselves, staff or others, when de-escalation has failed or is not possible. An emergency or risk to safety situation is unanticipated behavior that places patients, staff or others at serious risk of violence or risk of injury if no intervention were to occur. At the time that an emergency or risk to safety situation occurs, facility staff is to call 9-1-1.
It is our policy that Seclusion & Restraint are not used under any circumstances.
I have reviewed and received a copy of Beachside Recovery Center’s Patient Rights.
Universal Precautions for Infection Control
Universal Precautions refer to the usual and ordinary steps you need to take in order to reduce the risk of infectious disease such as HIV or Hepatitis C.
The prevention of transmission of infectious diseases is based on the avoidance of skin and mucous membrane contact with blood and other body fluids.
- If a fellow patient or client needs assistance, please call a staff member immediately.
- When avoidable, don’t expose yourself to other person’s blood or body fluids.
- Never share needles, razors or any other personal sharp objects.
- Always call on trained individuals to clean up blood or other body fluid spills.
- Use barrier protection to prevent skin and mucous membrane contact with blood and other body fluids.
- Wear gloves to prevent contact with blood, infectious materials, or other potentially contaminated surfaces or items.
- Wear face protection if blood or body fluid droplets may be generated during a procedure.
- Wear protective clothing if blood or body fluids may be splashed during a procedure.
- Wash hands and skin immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or body fluids.
- Wash hands immediately after gloves are removed.
- Use care when handling sharp instruments and needles. Place used sharps in labeled, puncture resistant containers.
- If you have sustained and exposure or puncture wound, immediately flush the exposed area and notify a staff member.
Assignments Phase I
This assignment packet is meant to be completed in the order since we are establishing a solid foundation upon which to build your recovery.
- Start with listing 100 consequences of your chemical dependency. Yes, 100 or more. Then, review this list with your Case Manager.
- Write a Goodbye letter to your disease/drug lifestyle and review with your Case manager.
- Write a letter from your disease/drug lifestyle to you and review with your Case Manager.
- Write “My Story” actually your story, in your words. How did you get here? What happened? Process in group with or without a peer assistant or process with your Case Manager.
- Complete step One, from “Recovery in my own words” and process with your Case Manager.
- Complete a written Relapse Prevention Plan and explain it in a group setting or with your Case Manager.
- Write a Hello Letter to your new life. What is your bucket list? What is your dream come true? What is the ultimate sober reality for you if the sky was the limit?
Phase II
- 1. Complete steps 2 & 3 from “Recovery in my own words.”
- 2. Job search, Attend School and Volunteer in the community.
- 3. Continue working with sobriety mentor.